
Formerly known as Mid-Minnesota Women's Center If you're in danger please dial 911. Call us for more information at: 218-828-1216 or 888-777-1248 (toll-free in Minnesota). Answered 24 hours a day. The Women's Center has been empowering victims for domestic violence through a variety of programs since 1978. The Women's Center operates a 24-hour emergency shelter for individuals experiencing domestic violence and their children. In addition to physical safety, the shelter provides personal advocacy, information and referral, support groups, legal support, and education for the community about violence and its effects. The Women's Center also has a program for Supervised Parenting Time, named the Alex & Brandon Child Safety Center. Opened in 2000, the Safety Center offers a safe and child-oriented environment where families needing services may have parenting time with their child under supervision by trained staff. Custodial and non-custodial parents do not see each other and have a safe, secure, neutral facility to have family-friendly parenting time.

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