It took a Village Around 6 p.m. on Monday, May 30 storms that hit Crow Wing Power's service territory left 11,000 people without power. Crow Wing WER A Touchstone Energy" Cooperative The power of human connections CWP Linemen Drew Elfering Thank You To our Linemen, Tree-Clearing crews, Inside and Outside support staff for going the extra mile. To the 38 contracted workers from Highline Construction, New Age Tree Service, Skyline Utilities, Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative, and Legacy Power Line. Thank you to Costco and Walmart for the cases of water. To the community for the overwhelming support and appreciation. Lastly, to our members who endured hours and days without power for your patience and understanding. Sincerely, Crow Wing Power It took a Village Around 6 p.m. on Monday , May 30 storms that hit Crow Wing Power's service territory left 11,000 people without power . Crow Wing WER A Touchstone Energy " Cooperative The power of human connections CWP Linemen Drew Elfering Thank You To our Linemen , Tree - Clearing crews , Inside and Outside support staff for going the extra mile . To the 38 contracted workers from Highline Construction , New Age Tree Service , Skyline Utilities , Todd - Wadena Electric Cooperative , and Legacy Power Line . Thank you to Costco and Walmart for the cases of water . To the community for the overwhelming support and appreciation . Lastly , to our members who endured hours and days without power for your patience and understanding . Sincerely , Crow Wing Power