COMMUNITY SERVING ACTION Community Action of Pequot Lakes Features Members PEQUOT LAKES CONN THE Di and Joe Shomion from JLE North Consignment COMMUNITY When you start looking for JLE North Consignment that used to be next to Leslie's, you just need to walk around the corner to a shop that is now twice the size. Community Action of Pequot Lakes members Di and Joe Shomion enlarged their store after only one and a half years after opening. The couple moved to the Lakes Area less than three years ago from St. Paul because they wanted a small town feeling and sense of community - which they say they have definitely found. The store was named after their children, Jake, Luke, and Ellyn, who are now adults, two living in Duluth and one in St. Paul. Busily involved in their business, Di and Joe enjoy being members of CAPL, and give thanks to their great consigners and customers. J.L.E NORTH Consignment Check out Community Action of Pequot Lakes Facebook Page for upcoming events and community information. COMMUNITY SERVING ACTION Community Action of Pequot Lakes Features Members PEQUOT LAKES CONN THE Di and Joe Shomion from JLE North Consignment COMMUNITY When you start looking for JLE North Consignment that used to be next to Leslie's , you just need to walk around the corner to a shop that is now twice the size . Community Action of Pequot Lakes members Di and Joe Shomion enlarged their store after only one and a half years after opening . The couple moved to the Lakes Area less than three years ago from St. Paul because they wanted a small town feeling and sense of community - which they say they have definitely found . The store was named after their children , Jake , Luke , and Ellyn , who are now adults , two living in Duluth and one in St. Paul . Busily involved in their business , Di and Joe enjoy being members of CAPL , and give thanks to their great consigners and customers . J.L.E NORTH Consignment Check out Community Action of Pequot Lakes Facebook Page for upcoming events and community information .